Career counselling skills for your HR team

Does your HR team
Know how careers really work?

Along with your managers, HR are usually at the frontline of critical, personal career decisions for staff. Often a Professional Coach, Mentor, Sponsor, Boss or Trainer will also be involved, however the HR Partner becomes the ‘hub’ in this wheel of professionals supporting staff through their goal planning, development and performance cycles.

And yet, HR don’t always feel like they’re experts in ‘how careers work’ – how do career decisions actually get made? What is the best development opportunity? Does a good boss do more for your career than an overseas secondment, or visa versa?

Understanding how to counsel your people through career planning is a core skill, and we're here to help.

Our career counselling program:
aligned to your talent framework

To be able to give good counsel, and therefore impact staff careers appropriately, HR should be confident in modern career dynamics and understand their resources.

We work closely with your HR team through a series of workshops and practical exercises to illuminate career pathways, discuss their real-life career management cases, and support the crafting of career narrative within your organisation.

We tailor these workshops to the core jobs families, competency models, and values of your organisation.

Sample Learning Journey

BOLDLY’s program designs are flexible, and will be tailored to your business needs. This includes optional elements and delivery format.

An example leadership learner journey may look like this:

Hear from our

“This was challenging material to take on, because it’s so broad and encompasses everything about careers. It was hard to connect all the dots at some points, until it all of a sudden made sense. Now I see the careers of my team, and my own career, in a new light. The tools were really practical.”

See Our Case Study Here

Career Cousellor
Program Inclusions

BOLDLY’s career counsellor development programs are designed with flexible modules. In addition to optional coaching and assessment, our clients also select:

BOLDLY’s customised learning curriculum can include a deep-dive into the career themes of Female Leaders, General Managers, and Early-Careers rotational programs, for example. We can co-create content to delve into the careers of other strategic talent populations to suit your organisation.

View our thought leadership
on career counselling

Reach Out

We’re here to collaborate with you on your coaching, learning and staff development, globally.

our Partnerships

We collaborate with the following industry experts to bringcoaching impact across your business landscape: