A coach using data from Hogan assessment tools to modify teaching methods

Leveraging Hogan Assessment Tools: Empowering Executive Coaches in Goal Setting

July 19, 2023

Posted by Alexandra Lamb

Executive coaching has become an invaluable resource for leaders striving to maximise their potential and achieve professional growth. In this transformative journey, executive coaches utilise various tools and techniques to support their clients' development. Among these tools, the Hogan assessment tools have gained recognition for their effectiveness in providing valuable insights and serving as a goal-setting resource. In this article, we will explore how executive coaches leverage Hogan assessment tools to empower their clients in goal setting, facilitating a path towards enhanced leadership effectiveness.

Hogans Assessment Tools Overview

Hogan assessment systems are a suite of psychometric tools designed to assess personality, values, and potential derailers in leadership contexts. The Hogan assessments offer comprehensive insights into an executive's strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for development. By leveraging validated and reliable measures with well-established global benchmarks, executive coaches can use the Hogan tools to gain a deeper understanding of their clients' leadership styles and behaviours, enabling more targeted and impactful coaching interventions.

What are Other Psychometric Tools used in coaching?

In the fields of executive coaching and psychology, professionals emphasise the use of valid and high p-score psychometric tools such as those in the Hogan suite to ensure accurate and reliable assessments. These tools play a crucial role in providing valuable insights and informing effective interventions. Valid and reliable psychometric tools have undergone rigorous scientific testing to ensure their accuracy and consistency. They are designed based on established theories and evidence-based research, providing a robust foundation for assessment and analysis.

By using validated tools, executive coaches and psychologists can have confidence in the results obtained, allowing them to make informed decisions and recommendations. Validity and reliability are essential elements in maintaining the integrity of the coaching and psychological assessment process. In a sea of ‘new’ and unvalidated assessment tools, BOLDLY coaches are encouraged to work only with products such as those in the Hogan assessment suite so we can be confident in the insights our coachees are receiving as they launch into coaching.

A coach looking at a potential client’s Hogan assessment results

Which Areas in Coaching Benefit Most When Utilising Hogan Assessment Tools?

With a valid assessment tool, a coach can work effectively with their coachee on the following areas:

Accurately Unearthing Development Areas: Hogan personality assessments provide executive coaches with a detailed assessment of an individual's personality traits and potential areas of improvement. The assessments identify specific leadership behaviours, decision-making styles, and interpersonal tendencies that may impact the executive's effectiveness. Armed with this information, coaches can collaborate with their clients to set clear and actionable goals for development. The data from the Hogan assessments serves as a foundation for aligning coaching objectives with the executive's unique needs and aspirations.

Establishing Baseline Measurements for Development: An essential aspect of effective goal setting is establishing a baseline measurement to track progress. Hogan assessments offer a baseline assessment against which future progress can be measured. By comparing pre and post-assessment scores, coaches and executives gain objective evidence of growth and development. This evidence-based approach enhances the accountability and motivation of executives, providing them with tangible evidence of their progress throughout the coaching journey.

Tailoring Coaching Interventions: Hogan assessments provide executive coaches with a roadmap to customise coaching interventions to the specific needs of their clients. The assessment results highlight areas where the executive can capitalise on their strengths and where they may need support or skill enhancement. Armed with this knowledge, coaches can design targeted coaching sessions, tools, and strategies to address specific development areas identified by the Hogan assessments. This personalised approach maximises the impact of coaching, allowing executives to focus on the areas that will yield the greatest return on investment.

Enhancing Self-awareness and Insight: Self-awareness is a cornerstone of effective leadership and personal growth. Hogan assessments offer executives valuable insights into their personality, values, and work preferences, fostering self-awareness and enabling a deeper understanding of their leadership style. By leveraging these insights, executive coaches facilitate self-reflection and guide executives in exploring their strengths and potential blind spots. This heightened self-awareness lays the foundation for setting meaningful and impactful goals that align with the executive's values, aspirations, and desired leadership outcomes.

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How Important Is It to Test New Assessment Tools in Coaching?

While coaches and companies often have the right intentions in selecting new and interesting assessment tools that speak the latest business lingo and appear to ‘hit’ a specific need, we recommend moving ahead with caution to review assessment tools. There are several reasons why coaches and companies should be sceptical:

Lack of Validity and Reliability: Some assessment tools may lack sufficient evidence of validity and reliability. Validity refers to the degree to which an assessment measures what it claims to measure, while reliability relates to the consistency of results. Executive coaches should be cautious when using tools that do not have a strong research foundation or have not undergone rigorous psychometric testing. Without adequate validity and reliability, the results obtained from such tools may be inaccurate or misleading, hindering the coaching process and potentially leading to ineffective interventions.

Insufficient Cultural and Contextual Sensitivity: Assessment tools that fail to consider cultural and contextual factors may produce biased results or overlook important nuances. Cultural and contextual sensitivity is vital, especially in diverse business environments. Executive coaches must be wary of using assessment tools that have not been validated or adapted for different cultural or organisational contexts. Failure to account for these factors may result in misinterpretation of results and ineffective coaching interventions that do not adequately address the unique needs of the individual or organisation.

Overemphasis on Single-Dimensional Measures: Some assessment tools focus excessively on a single dimension or trait, overlooking the multidimensional nature of human behaviour and performance. Executive coaching is a complex process that requires a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of an individual's personality, skills, and leadership capabilities. Relying solely on one-dimensional measures can limit the scope and depth of insights obtained, leading to incomplete assessments and potentially misguided coaching strategies. Coaches should be cautious of tools that provide a narrow view and seek to utilise assessments that capture a more holistic perspective.

Lack of Ethical Guidelines and Standards: Ethics and professional standards are paramount in executive coaching. Coaches should exercise caution when using assessment tools that lack clear ethical guidelines or standards for administration, interpretation, and confidentiality. Unethical use of assessment tools can result in breaches of confidentiality, misinterpretation of results, or misuse of personal information. Executive coaches must prioritise the well-being and ethical treatment of their clients and choose assessment tools that align with established ethical principles and guidelines.

Inadequate Training and Expertise: Some assessment tools require specific training and expertise for accurate administration, interpretation, and integration into the coaching process. Executive coaches should exercise caution when using tools for which they do not possess adequate training or qualifications. Without proper knowledge and expertise, coaches may misinterpret results or fail to effectively utilise the assessment information to support their clients. It is essential for coaches to recognise their own limitations and seek appropriate training or collaborate with professionals who possess the necessary expertise in utilising specific assessment tools.

Hogan Is a Tried and Tested Psychometric Tool

Hogan assessment tools have emerged as a powerful resource for executive coaches in guiding their clients through the goal-setting process. By leveraging these tools, coaches gain valuable insights into an executive's strengths, development areas, and potential derailers. Armed with this information, coaches can tailor their interventions, establish baseline measurements, and foster self-awareness, enabling executives to set and achieve meaningful goals aligned with their leadership growth.

Working with valid and high p-score psychometric tools such as this adds credibility and professionalism to the coaching and psychological practice. By utilising scientifically sound instruments, coaches and psychologists demonstrate their commitment to evidence-based practices. The use of reputable tools helps establish trust with clients, organisations, and other professionals, enhancing the overall reputation of the field. The evidence-based approach of utilising Hogan assessments enhances the effectiveness of coaching and empowers executives to navigate their professional journeys with clarity and purpose.

While assessment tools can be valuable resources in executive coaching, it is crucial for coaches to exercise caution and critically evaluate their validity, reliability, cultural sensitivity, multidimensionality, ethical considerations, and their own expertise. By being wary of certain assessment tools, executive coaches can ensure the accuracy, effectiveness, and ethical integrity of their coaching interventions. Taking a discerning approach to assessment tool selection will empower coaches to provide meaningful insights and support their clients' growth and development effectively.

Leveraging Hogan Assessment Tools can revolutionise the coaching experience, empowering individuals to unlock their full potential. If you're ready to harness the power of these tools and utilise transformative coaching for your executives, reach out to us at connect@boldly.app.


1. American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education. (2014). Standards for educational and psychological testing. American Educational Research Association.

2. American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 57(12), 1060-1073. https://doi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.57.12.1060

3. Hogan, R., & Hogan, J. (2001). Assessing leadership: A view from the dark side. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9(1-2), 40-51. https://doi

About the Author:

Alexandra Lamb is an accomplished organisational development practitioner, with experience across APAC, North America, and MENA. With 20+ years in professional practice, conglomerates, and startups, she has collaborated with rapid-growth companies and industry innovators to develop leaders and high-performance teams. She is particularly experienced in talent strategy as a driver for business growth. Drawing from her experience in the fields of talent management, psychology, coaching, product development, and human-centred design, Alex prides herself on using commercial acumen to design talent solutions with true impact.

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