Employee receives appreciation from the supportive team after getting a promotion

Promoting Key Talent: How Coaching Helps Decision Makers With Succession Planning

August 23, 2023

Posted by BOLDLY

In today's business environment, making the right decisions regarding employee promotions is crucial for the success and growth of any organisation. Identifying the right individuals for succession planning and promotion can be challenging and requires a strategic approach involving talent planning led by HR and active sponsorship and decision-making from leaders. While coaches will not be involved in the decision about promotion, coaches can be critical partners once the succession plan is in place, ensuring ear-marked staff are prepared for their promotion, supported during the transition, and accelerating their development into their next responsibilities. In this article, we will explore how coaching can assist decision-makers in forming specialised development plans aligned to employee promotion.

The Complexity of Employee Promotion

Succession planning and preparing to promote staff are critical processes for the long-term success and sustainability of a company. Within larger organisations, HR and talent development teams are adept at this process however, in smaller businesses or regional offices, this process may benefit from guidance to ensure staff are engaged in the process, talent is adequately assessed, and promotions are aligned to business strategy and organisational structure so as to avoid issues in future. There are several complexities that companies need to consider when engaging in these activities:

  1. Talent Identification and Assessment: Identifying potential candidates for promotion involves assessing not only their current skills and performance but also their potential to take on more significant responsibilities. This assessment process can be complex as it requires evaluating both technical and leadership skills, as well as cultural fit and adaptability.
  2. Skill and Knowledge Transfer: When promoting staff, especially to higher positions, there's a need to ensure a smooth transition of skills and knowledge. Companies must establish effective methods for knowledge transfer, training, and mentoring to prevent a loss of institutional knowledge and maintain operational continuity.
  3. Leadership Development: Moving into higher roles requires different leadership skills and competencies. Companies must invest in leadership development programs to ensure that individuals promoted to leadership positions have the skills to manage teams, make strategic decisions, and drive organisational success.
  4. Employee Development and Engagement: Succession planning should be closely linked to employee development and engagement strategies. Employees must see a clear growth path within the organisation to stay motivated and committed. Neglecting this aspect can lead to talent attrition and a lack of motivation among employees.
  5. Diversity and Inclusion: Companies must be mindful of diversity and inclusion when considering candidates for promotion. Ensuring that promotion opportunities are accessible to employees from all backgrounds and groups is essential for fostering a fair and inclusive workplace.
  6. Succession Pipeline: Establishing a robust succession pipeline involves identifying potential candidates not only for immediate promotions but also for future leadership roles. This requires continuous talent development, training, and assessment to build a strong internal pool of potential leaders.
  7. Managing Expectations: Not all employees interested in promotions will receive them immediately. It's crucial to manage expectations and provide feedback to employees about their developmental areas and progress. Clear communication can help prevent disillusionment and frustration.
  8. Retention and Turnover: Promoting employees can sometimes create gaps in their former positions. This may lead to the need to backfill those roles, potentially causing disruption. Moreover, if employees perceive limited growth opportunities, they might seek opportunities elsewhere. Balancing internal promotions with external hires is essential to manage turnover.
  9. Succession Planning Flexibility: Business environments are dynamic, and unforeseen events can impact succession plans. Companies need to be adaptable and have contingency plans in place to address sudden departures or changes in the leadership landscape.
  10. Cultural Fit and Change Management: Promotions can change team dynamics and culture. It's important to ensure that the promoted individuals align with the company's values and effectively manage any potential resistance or discomfort during transitions.
  11. Communication and Transparency: Transparent communication about the company's succession planning process, criteria for promotion, and the rationale behind decisions is vital. Lack of communication can lead to rumours, misunderstandings, and decreased morale.
  12. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Promotion decisions should be fair, unbiased, and compliant with legal regulations. Discrimination and favouritism should be avoided at all costs.

Navigating these complexities requires a well-structured and thoughtful approach to succession planning and promoting staff. Companies that invest in these processes strategically tend to have a more engaged workforce, better leadership continuity, and a competitive edge in the long run.

The Role of a Coach in Succession Planning

A career coach plays a vital role in collaborating with decision-makers once decisions have been made regarding employee promotion. Here are some ways in which coaching can help in this process:

1. Development Planning:

Once potential candidates for promotion are identified, coaches can work with decision-makers to create personalised development plans. These plans address any skill gaps and provide the training, mentoring, and support required for employees to thrive in their new roles.

2. Building Confidence and Resilience:

Promotions often come with increased responsibilities and expectations. A good coach can help decision-makers assess an individual's readiness for such challenges. Coaches can provide guidance and support in developing confidence and resilience in employees, enabling them to adapt to their new roles and perform at their best.

3. Transition and Onboarding Support: 

When someone is promoted, they often transition to a new role with increased responsibilities. A career coach can help the individual navigate this transition by guiding how to quickly adapt to the new role, build relationships with team members, and establish a strong foundation for success.

4. Feedback and Continuous Improvement: 

A career coach can facilitate a feedback loop, helping the promoted individual receive constructive feedback from colleagues and superiors. This feedback can be used for continuous improvement and growth.

Employee jumps for joy after receiving news on promotion

Signs an Employee is Ready for Promotion

Here’s a list of key characteristics that indicate an employee is prepared for advancement. Additionally, we will discuss how engaging a coach can provide valuable insights and guidance when uncertain about an employee's readiness.

Consistent High Performance:

Employee consistently exceed expectations, deliver exceptional results and consistently demonstrate their skills.

Leadership Abilities:

Employee displays leadership qualities, take initiative, and motivate others.

Continuous Skill Development:

Employee actively seeks opportunities to enhance their skills and show a commitment to growth.

Problem-Solving Skills:

Employee consistently tackles complex problems, finds innovative solutions, and demonstrates critical thinking abilities.

Positive Team Impact:

Employee positively influences team dynamics, fosters collaboration, and contributes to a harmonious work environment.

Adaptability and Flexibility:

Employee readily embraces change, adapts to new technologies, and navigates shifting priorities with ease.

Alignment with Organisational Values:

Employee consistently embodies the company's core values and mission and show a strong commitment to its success.

There are cases where a newly promoted employee or an employee up for promotion may be required to take a long break, as in cases of illness, injury, or even personal reasons. This work break shouldn’t disqualify them for the position, especially if they are truly deserving. All you need to do is find an agreeable workaround with the help of a good coach.

When in Doubt, Consult a Coach:

If decision-makers are unsure about an employee's readiness for promotion, engaging the services of a professional coach can provide valuable guidance. Coaches offer objective assessments, competency evaluations, and personalised development plans tailored to employees' growth needs.

Consider holistic coaching, which is crucial in high potential employees as it considers their well-being, not just professional skills. It enhances engagement, fosters work-life balance, and boosts overall performance. By addressing personal growth, stress management, and mental resilience, holistic coaching creates a supportive, positive environment, increasing productivity, job satisfaction, and talent retention.

The Role of BOLDLY

BOLDLY’s coaching marketplace is a valuable resource for decision-makers seeking professional coaching services. The platform offers many experienced coaches specialising in assisting business leaders with crucial decisions, such as employee promotions. BOLDLY's app provides a seamless experience, allowing business leaders to connect with qualified coaches who understand the intricacies of their industry and organisational culture.

Remember, employee promotion is not just about individual recognition; it is an investment in the organisation's future. By utilising coaching services and platforms like BOLDLY, decision-makers navigate the complexities of promotion with confidence, creating a positive impact on the company's overall performance.

Business leader introduce the newly promoted employee to the team

Get Help From a World-Class Coach!

The decision to promote an employee should never be taken lightly. It requires careful consideration, assessment, and planning. By engaging the services of a good coach from a reputable career coaching platform, decision-makers benefit from their expertise and objectivity, ensuring that the right individuals are identified for job promotion. Check out BOLDY’s extensive coach marketplace to get help from one of our experienced coaches today.