Coaching helping an employee with reintegration after coming from a long break

How Coaching Helps Employees Return To Work  from a Long Break

July 5, 2023

Posted by BOLDLY

Returning to work after a long break, whether it's due to an injury, illness, parental responsibilities or personal reasons, can be a daunting and challenging experience for employees. This transition can be even more difficult in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as many employees are adjusting to new workplace protocols and procedures, in addition to recent changes in technology and ways of working. In such situations, coaching can play a vital role in helping employees reintegrate into the workforce and regain their confidence. This is essential at the moment when companies are opening up new pools of talent and looking laterally to find the skills they need to fulfill their business objectives. HIring from the same old talent pools just doesn’t work - employers are looking more broadly and considering non-traditional candidates, but this is where coaching can have an essential role to play in enabling candidates to adjust and perform.

BOLDLY is a coaching marketplace that aims to connect companies with professional coaches who can assist employees in making a smooth return to work. In this article, we'll explore how coaching can help employees returning to work after injury, illness, or personal reasons and why companies should consider investing in these coaching services.

Coaching for individuals returning to work after a break can be done 1:1 for senior executives or key staff, or for larger organizations this can be run as group coaching, where the company has several employees navigating this re-entry who can come together in small pods. This approach ensures the coachees have not only the benefits of coaching, but also the peer network of other colleagues having a similar experience to them.

Understanding the Challenges of Returning to Work

There are several reasons why employees might take a long break from work, including injury, illness, parental or carer's leave, or even sabbaticals. Regardless of the reason, returning to work can be a stressful process for both employees and employers, despite the huge value these individuals can bring back into your business. Some common challenges faced by employees returning to work include:

  1. Anxiety about their ability to perform at their previous level
  2. Concerns about changes in the workplace, such as new technology or processes
  3. Fear of being judged or stigmatized by colleagues
  4. Difficulty balancing work and personal life, particularly if the employee has experienced a significant life change during their absence

These experiences are universal, and happen for mid-career right up to executive employees. For employers, the challenge lies in ensuring that returning employees feel supported and valued while also maintaining productivity and efficiency within the team. To address these challenges, many companies are turning to professional coaching services as part of their return to work plan. This is especially true for employees about to return to work after COVID and may still have some lingering symptoms.

The Role of Coaching in Supporting Return to Work

Coaching can provide valuable support for employees returning to work after a long break by helping them address their concerns and navigate the challenges they may face. Here are some ways in which coaching can assist employees in their return to work journey:

1. Identifying and Addressing Skills Gaps

During a long absence from work, employees may find that their skills have become outdated or that they need to learn new techniques to keep up with advancements in their field. A coach can help identify these gaps and create a tailored plan to address them, ensuring that employees feel confident in their abilities upon their return.

2. Building Confidence and Overcoming Anxiety

Returning to work after a long break can be anxiety-provoking for many employees, particularly if they are unsure about how they will be received by their colleagues or if they can still perform at a high level. Coaches can help employees build confidence by providing encouragement, guidance, and tools to manage their anxiety and stress effectively.

3. Navigating Workplace Changes

The workplace is constantly evolving, and employees who have been away for an extended period may struggle to adapt to new technologies, processes, or cultural shifts. A coach can help employees understand and navigate these changes, ensuring that they can integrate seamlessly into the workplace and contribute effectively to the team.

4. Balancing Work and Personal Life

For employees who have experienced significant life changes during their absence, such as losing a loved one, relocating, or becoming a parent, returning to work can be particularly challenging. Coaches can help employees develop strategies to balance their work and personal responsibilities, allowing them to maintain their well-being and productivity.

5. Addressing Burnout

Coaching plays a crucial role in supporting individuals' return to work and addressing burnout. Coaches provide guidance and support to help employees regain their confidence and resilience, offering strategies to manage stress and prevent future burnout. Through tailored sessions, they help individuals identify work-life balance, set realistic goals, and develop effective coping mechanisms. By fostering self-awareness and offering personalised support, coaching empowers employees to navigate the challenges of returning to work while mitigating burnout risks.

One on one coaching session between coach and returning employee

The Benefits of Coaching for Employers

Investing in coaching services for employees returning from a long break can yield significant benefits for employers, including:

Improved employee retention: By providing support and resources for employees during their transition back to work, companies can increase the likelihood that they will remain with the organization long-term.

Increased productivity: Employees who feel confident and well-equipped to handle their job responsibilities are more likely to be productive and engaged at work.

Enhanced team cohesion: By addressing potential issues and concerns early on, coaching can help to prevent tension or conflict within the team and promote a positive work environment.

Find a Coach for Your Team!

As employees return to work after a long break, whether due to injury, illness, or personal reasons, it's essential for companies to provide the support they need to reintegrate successfully into the workforce. By investing in professional coaching services, companies can help employees navigate the challenges of returning to work, build confidence, and adapt to workplace changes, ultimately leading to increased productivity and employee retention.

BOLDLY is dedicated to connecting companies with professional coaches who can provide tailored support for employees during their return-to-work journey. Get in touch with us for more details!