Coach using a strengths based approach during a coaching session

What Is A Strengths Based Approach To Coaching?

February 24, 2022

Posted by Alexandra Lamb

The strengths-based approach to coaching has foundations in positive psychology, which posits that not all psychology relates to illness and disorder, but is also about understanding flourishing and wellness. The strengths-based approach assumes that there’s more satisfaction and performance gain for an individual who focuses energy on developing their proficiencies, rather than over-identifying with weaknesses. The idea is: what we focus on grows!

Defining 'Strengths'

There’s a lot of debate, however, around how we define ‘strengths’. The literature and corporate resources can be quite reductionist, with many attempts to create strengths taxonomies. For example - the VIA character strengths, Satisfaction with Life Scale, or Gallup Clifton Strengths Finder tools (used variously for individuals privately and in organizations). In some cases, these tools mix values and strengths and virtues, although they all position strengths as universal and timeless, and even having evolutionary importance. For example, at the highest clustered level of the VIA character strengths tool, we see wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, transcendence, and temperance - you can see Marcus Aurelius would be approving of our modern and enduring concepts of strengths!

While these taxonomies can be valuable as a starting point and give language for describing strengths, there’s limited support materials for coaching and developing the strengths themselves. They can be valuable for case conceptualization, as the coach builds their understanding of the ‘starting point’ of the coachee in relation to their goals, and the resources available to them, but in terms of how to develop and enhance those strengths, the research is still being developed.

The Attraction of Strengths-Based Development

However, it’s easy to understand why strengths are attractive as a development concept. Individuals enjoy things they are strong at - they’re more likely to practice them, solicit feedback on them, and that enjoyment and feedback cycle results in motivation to keep practicing. As the individual progresses towards mastery of a skill, it becomes more enjoyable, and therefore the cycle continues. When an individual employee is motivated to use their skills or perform a task to the benefit of the business, it’s a performance win-win for everyone. As opposed to focusing on developing weaknesses, which can feel like drudgery and not create the conditions for motivation.

Addressing Weaknesses

This is not to say that weaknesses should never be addressed. If there are serious skill deficits for a role, or character-based issues that are causing issues at work, they should be identified and a clear plan of action put around them. However, with a focus on strengths, we give the individual resources already at their disposal to counterbalance the emotional effects of working on weaknesses (e.g., frustration, tiredness, and embarrassment of a weakness can be aided by pride and enjoyment of spending time on strengths).

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Popularity and Utility of Strengths-Based Coaching

So with a concept that’s so confounded, where does the popularity and utility come from?

Warm-Up Exercise

It’s a good exercise at the start of coaching as a warm-up, while both coach and coachee are defining goals and building rapport.

Emphasis on Self-Efficacy

An appreciative emphasis on strengths anchors coaching on self-efficacy, and can build a coachee's readiness to tackle challenges.

Defining Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths are always in antithesis to a weakness, and therefore defining them reminds an individual of their resources.

Correlation with Satisfaction and Wellbeing

An understanding of strengths gives an indication of how satisfied a coachee will be with their life and career - for example, love, gratitude, hope, and zest are highly correlated with satisfaction and wellbeing (Peterson, Park, and Seligman, 2004), while bravery, open-mindedness, and love of learning are highly aligned with managerial positions (Ruch et al., 2004). There’s evidence that these strengths may also enable an individual to respond to challenges and bounce back from adversity.

Application Across Contexts

A strength in one context can be more broadly explored through coaching, to consider how it can be applied to other parts of the coachee's life, opening up options for growth.

Awareness of Overuse

An exploration of when strengths are overused can broaden awareness in the coachee about where the strength is best applied.

Personalized Application

Some of these discussions between coach and coachee enable a more nuanced discussion around strengths, which takes the concept far beyond the categorical assessment only and enables a personalized application. This is where a skilled coach can work in context with an individual to think about how they apply their strengths to the best application, with regulation (i.e., the right amount of the strength at the right time) and particularly bring those strengths into the workplace. This ensures the coachee is engaged and supported and sets up an environment for them to do their best. The coach then continues to have these strengths in their ‘back pocket’ to bring out throughout the engagement as a reminder or utility tool through critical conversations.

Many of our BOLDLY coaches use a strengths-based approach, depending on the circumstances of the engagement. Get in touch and we’ll connect you with the largest vetted coaching pool globally:

About the Author:

Alexandra Lamb is an accomplished organisational development practitioner, with experience across APAC, North America, and MENA. With 20+ years in professional practice, conglomerates, and startups, she has collaborated with rapid-growth companies and industry innovators to develop leaders and high-performance teams. She is particularly experienced in talent strategy as a driver for business growth. Drawing from her experience in the fields of talent management, psychology, coaching, product development, and human-centred design, Alex prides herself on using commercial acumen to design talent solutions with true impact.

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