Effective Team Coaching Session

Effective Team Coaching: Bridging Industry Wisdom and Academic Insights

January 3, 2024

Posted by Alexandra Lamb

In the ever-evolving realm of organisational dynamics, the significance of team coaching has surged to the forefront. The amalgamation of industry expertise and academic research has unveiled a tapestry of insights, defining the prevailing wisdom in team coaching science.

Firstly, many clients and coachees still use the terms team coaching and group coaching interchangeably. But they’re different! Team coaching and group coaching both involve working with multiple individuals, yet they differ in their scope, focus, and objectives:

What is Team Coaching?

- Focus: Team coaching centres on a specific team within an organisation, aiming to enhance the collective performance and effectiveness of the team as a whole.

- Objectives: The primary goal of team coaching is to improve the team's dynamics, collaboration, communication, and overall effectiveness in achieving shared goals.

- Scope: It often involves interventions that target the team's dynamics, interactions, and shared processes, focusing on how team members work together.

What is Group Coaching?

- Focus: Group coaching encompasses a gathering of individuals with similar goals or interests, each seeking personal development or growth. The focus is on individual development within a group context.

- Objectives: The aim is to facilitate individual growth, self-awareness, and achievement of personal or professional goals while benefiting from peer support and learning.

- Scope: Group coaching involves working with individuals within a group setting, often addressing individual challenges, goals, and personal development.

With this in mind, let's explore team coaching specifically. 

Team coaching facilitated by an experienced BOLDLY coach

Understanding Team Dynamics: The Cornerstone

Industry reports from the International Coach Federation (ICF) and research articles from Harvard Business Review underscore a fundamental truth: successful team coaching hinges upon a deep comprehension of team dynamics. This understanding extends beyond individual behaviours to encompass the complex interplay of relationships, communication patterns, and shared goals within teams.

Psychological Safety and Trust

Academic research by scholars like Amy Edmondson at Harvard University emphasises the pivotal role of psychological safety in teams—a foundation where members feel safe to take risks, share ideas, and voice concerns without fear of reprisal. Trust emerges as another cornerstone, fostering open communication and collaboration.

Customisation and Tailoring Interventions

Industry trends highlighted by McKinsey & Company reports advocate for customised team coaching interventions. Acknowledging the uniqueness of each team's context and challenges, tailored approaches ensure that coaching strategies resonate deeply and address specific needs.

Technology as a Facilitator

Forbes and Deloitte articles expound on the integration of technology in team coaching. Virtual platforms, AI-driven analytics for team assessments, and digital tools facilitate remote collaboration and augment coaching effectiveness, especially in the era of remote and hybrid work environments.

Collective Efficacy and Performance

Academic research by Ruth Wageman and her colleagues delves into the concept of collective efficacy—a shared belief in a team's capabilities to achieve goals. Studies reveal that fostering collective efficacy through coaching interventions correlates strongly with enhanced team performance.

Team coaching enhances team performance

Holistic Multilevel Interventions

The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science presents insights into multilevel interventions in team coaching. These interventions, targeting individual, team, and organisational levels concurrently, foster a holistic approach to team development, aligning individual growth with overarching organisational objectives.

Future Directions and Expectations

The trajectory of team coaching science continues to evolve, with expectations for:

- Advanced Technology Integration: Further leveraging AI and virtual platforms for enhanced team assessment and corporate coaching delivery.

- Cultural Considerations: Deeper explorations into cultural influences on team dynamics and coaching effectiveness.

- Evidence-Based Practices: Continued emphasis on rigorous evaluation and evidence-based approaches to assess the impact of team coaching on organisational outcomes.

In conclusion, the prevailing wisdom in team coaching science emerges from the convergence of industry insights and academic research. The understanding of team dynamics, the cultivation of psychological safety and trust, customised interventions, technological integration, and a holistic approach lay the foundation for effective team coaching. As the field advances, the synergy of industry wisdom and academic rigour will continue to shape the future landscape of team coaching, empowering teams to thrive in the complexities of the modern organisational ecosystem.

The journey of team coaching is ongoing, and its potential to transform teams is limitless. For organisations eager to stay ahead in this evolving field and harness the full power of their teams, partnering with the right experts is key. Reach out to us at connect@boldly.app to explore how our team coaching services, first-time manager workshops, and corporate coaching programs can empower your teams to excel amidst today's organisational complexities. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

About the Author:

Alexandra Lamb is an accomplished organisational development practitioner, with experience across APAC, North America, and MENA. With 20+ years in professional practice, conglomerates, and startups, she has collaborated with rapid-growth companies and industry innovators to develop leaders and high-performance teams. She is particularly experienced in talent strategy as a driver for business growth. Drawing from her experience in the fields of talent management, psychology, coaching, product development, and human-centred design, Alex prides herself on using commercial acumen to design talent solutions with true impact.

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