Coach Javiera shares the process for executive coaching and how to indentify an executive coach

Coach Spotlight- Coach Javiera

December 14, 2022

Posted by Lisa Singh

Hi Coach Javiera, thank you for joining our Meet-The-Coach series!

Today we will be asking you questions to learn about you as a person and of course how you coach! Lets begin:

Where are you located and what is your favourite thing about home?

I’m based in Santiago-Chile and my favourite thing about home is the beauty of our geography – so many amazing contrasts – family love, and mom´s food. 

Can you tell us some of your hobbies?

I am enormously curious and love learning new things, hence reading has always been a great friend of mine. Writing has also been one of my hobbies since a young age – back then I loved writing essays and acting scripts – music and dancing (art expression), give me goosebumps! and so much Joy. Another activity that brings me cheerfulness is cooking new recipes, Hot Yoga, or a good training session.  Finally, I love traveling, getting to know different cultures/people, and listening to different languages can be fascinating to me. 

Do you have any pets OR What is your most prized possession?

I love animals! I have two beloved dogs (Sarah and Ari) always present in my heart, as they are no longer on this plane. 

If you were, to sum up, your coaching style in three words, what would they be?

Empathy, Kindness, and Courage. 

How long have you been coaching and what accreditations do you hold?

Off and on, while working in corporate since 2017 and more intensively since 2021. I hold an Executive Coaching Certification from Columbia University (NYC – USA), and a Team Coaching Certification as well from the European School of Coaching. 

What is your professional background?

Professional Psychologist 

What is the most rewarding thing about your profession?

First and foremost, coaching for me it’s deeply about human connection and being at the service of others. It’s when my mind, heart, and soul are interconnected and fully present allowing my purpose to shine through, which implies true care for the other, compassion, and the strong belief that each coachee already has all the necessary resources to succeed. 

Also, being a catalyst and developing an environment to foster a client’s mobilization towards personal development so they can reach their goals/dreams it’s rewarding itself and translates into a very strong sense of achievement for me. I feel completely honored to be chosen to walk that growth path along with them and most definitely witness their transformation by flourishing and thriving, reaching their huge potential, and leading their own way. It's by far the greatest gift of all. 

What is the most challenging thing about your profession?

From a business standpoint, it would be that it is a “one-woman show”. That involves so many facets and comes with a bit of loneliness sometimes when making decisions or determining the course of certain things. 

On the other hand, something beautiful and yet challenging, is endlessly studying, learning, and working on myself in different dimensions, which at times can be very demanding. Personally, I believe this is key to being able to deeply contribute to coaching processes and work properly as a coach. 

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What has been your biggest coaching success so far?

I can remember a Coachee who had historically been very successful and deeply validated in her previous roles developing a fairly long career in one specific company. She accepted a great offer for a Directing role in another one, having to deal in this transition with a whole different company culture, with very high expectations of herself and her performance, and yet feeling small, unskilled, and not “being up to the challenge”. It was a totally new environment, where she basically started from scratch to build her own corporate reputation. We worked strongly on her belief system, her own self-efficacy perception, and certain key fears underlying the whole situation. She completely trusted the coaching process and put a lot of work into it! She also opened herself up to be vulnerable and dared to see herself and pursue the version that she wanted to become. As a result of the process, she developed a very high performance and strong self-confidence. Her internal validation skyrocketed, and her capacity to enjoy her work was even bigger. It was a beautiful transformation to witness. 

What is the most useful tool in your arsenal of coaching techniques?

Although the use of certain tools as coaching techniques is something that I adjust to the challenge faced by each person, I believe that the main ones are deep active listening, empowerment, and one of the essentials would be to accompany the development of self-awareness (As the first step in this regard I use the Birkman Tool Assessment, in which I am certified). 

All of this involves always considering the challenge ahead for the coachee, their goal, and the context in which the coachee is part of. 

What advice would you give someone who is considering getting a coach?

Thinking about Executive Coaching, I would advise you to have these in mind: 

  1. Connection with your coach it’s essential. Chemistry in a coaching relationship is key. Make sure it’s there!
  2. Don’t rush. Ideally, connect with two or three coaches before starting a coaching process. Take time to know them. Choose your coach!
  3. Explore your Coach’s personal experience in organizational environments/change/leadership.
  4. Explore your Coach’s experience practicing coaching, and coaching credentials. 
  5. To inquire and reflect on the real need for a coach. Differentiate a mentor, a Coach, or a consultant and the differences involved between these three profiles.
  6. Explore your Coach’s Coaching philosophy. Where do they stand? 
  7. When entering a Coaching process, having pristine clarity around what success looks like to you, and key indicators it’s a must. 
  8. Coaching entails a lot of personal work as a coachee to have successful results and achieve the desired change. Reflect on your readiness to jump into a coaching contract before engaging without the proper analysis. 

To arrange a complimentary chemistry session with Javiera or for more information on coaching services email

About the Author:

Lisa Singh is an Australian, living with her family in the beautiful South Pacific. As Coach Business Partner Lead for BOLDLY, Lisa's team screen and onboard coaches onto our global marketplace, then enable the matching and engagement process so that coaches can do what they do best: deliver exceptional coaching journeys to our coachees. Lisa is a trained nurse, and her role with BOLDLY she loves meeting top coaches and promoting their work for a win:win. Connect with Lisa here:

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