One partner for all your
coaching needs
BOLDLY conducts extensive coach screening to
benchmark across credentials and coaching models,delivering quality coaches to your business globally
What Is Coaching?
Coaching is an opportunity for personalized development. Our BOLDLY coached work with your staff to define their skills, goals and career aspirations, and co-create a plan to achieve them. ''Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is more often helping them to learn rather than teaching them.'' ~ John Whitmore, author and founder of the GROW model of coaching, Coaching for Performance, 2010
EnquireBenefits of professional career coaching
Engaging your employees with a BOLDLY coach fosters powerful professional development. Coaching is an effective way to nurture staff career growth, enhance workplace performance and provide targeted leadership development. BOLDLY ensures consistency of coaching outcomes globally through our key service moments. Here are the coaching models we deliver to your business:
Driving Growth: The Impact of One on One Coaching
The landscape of professional development has evolved, recognising the transformative power of one on one coaching. This coaching approach goes beyond skills training, addressing unique cognitive and behavioural strengths and areas for growth of each individual. By facilitating profound, reflective conversations, BOLDLY one-on-one coaching catalyses personal insight and professional development. The benefits have been substantiated by research into coaching psychology, and are multifaceted: • Improved Goal Achievement (Grant, 2012) • Enhanced Performance (Gallwey, 2018) • Increased Job Satisfaction and Engagement (Green, Oades, & Grant, 2006) • Stress Reduction (Passmore, 2015) • Improved Leadership Skills (Parker, 2016) • Enhanced Self-Awareness (Anseel et al., 2015) • Better Work-Life Balance (Green, 2009) • Improved Communication Skills (Hargrove, 2011) • Increased Confidence (Harvard Business Review, 2017) • Sustained Behavioural Change (Jones et al., 2016) Selecting the right coach to reap some of the benefits listed above is paramount, as the chemistry can inspire change and foster both confidence and competence. At BOLDLY, we don’t just offer coaches; we connect you with qualified change agents, matched to your staff’s specific learning journey. With our diverse, global coaches, we ensure a pairing that drives meaningful growth and performance breakthroughs. Discover the unmatched potential of personalised coaching for your team.
EnquireEnhance Development Through Group Coaching
Group coaching converges individuals, often with varied backgrounds but facing similar challenges, into a unified setting where collective development experience fosters mutual growth. This unique coaching format facilitates a shared journey through insights, strategies, and support, magnifying personal development and collaborative problem-solving. The true essence of group coaching lies in its ability to create a symbiotic learning environment. Here, participants draw from each other's experiences, providing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions. This camaraderie significantly contributes to individual confidence and team synergy. The power of group coaching lies in the unique 6:1 ratio of coachee to coach, to deliver learning and impact in the following ways: 1. Increased Social Support: Group coaching provides a supportive and collaborative environment (Kampa-Kokesch & Anderson, 2001) 2. Diverse Perspectives: Group coaching brings together individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences and participants benefit from wider perspectives (Gibb, 2009) 3. Lower Costs: Group coaching can be a cost-effective way to provide coaching services to a larger number of people. An article in Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice (Peterson, 2014) discusses the cost benefits of group coaching in organisational settings. 4.Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Group coaching promotes shared learning and knowledge exchange through group learning (O'Donohue & Palmer, 2013) 5. Enhanced Interpersonal Skills: Group coaching can improve interpersonal skills and relationships (van Nieuwerburgh, 2016) Moreover, finding the right coach for this setting is pivotal as the group's dynamics vary vastly. The BOLDLY coach marketplace gives you access to specialised professionals who are adept at creating cohesive coaching pods that thrive on collective wisdom and support. With group coaching, you can create an environment that caters to individual needs while celebrating shared diversity and collective knowledge.
EnquireOptimising Team Dynamics with Team Coaching
Team coaching is a transformative process tailored to enhance collective talent in an intact team, unlike group coaching, which caters to individuals sharing similar challenges independently of their organisational ties. In the realm of team coaching, a specialised coach orchestrates a journey towards refined communication, streamlined objectives, and fortified relational dynamics within a professional ensemble. The distinct advantage of team coaching lies in its systemic approach. It addresses the intricate web of interpersonal relationships, ensuring that the team's combined efforts exceed the sum of individual contributions. This collaborative environment fosters trust, nurtures a sense of shared purpose, and ultimately propels the team towards its organisational goals with renewed efficacy and harmony. Team coaching operates to impact the working relationships of the team in the following ways: 1. Improved Team Performance (Hawkins et al., 2013) 2. Enhanced Communication (Hawkins, 2011) 3. Conflict Resolution (Hackman, 2011) 4. Enhanced Team Dynamics (Biddle, 2014) 5. Alignment with Organisational Goals (Brown & Passmore, 2009) 6. Psychological Safety (Edmondson, 2019) 7. Knowledge Sharing (McGovern et al., 2011) 8. Sustained Change in Team Behaviour (Kerr, 2019) Recognising the nuanced needs of every team, BOLDLY offers a rich selection of trained team coaching experts globally. We are committed to pairing your team with the ideal coach who will guide you in unlocking new performance and communication, confirming that success is not just a goal but a continuous journey.
EnquireImmediate Solutions with On-Demand Coaching
BOLDLY’s on-demand coaching model stands out as an agile solution in the fast-paced corporate world, specifically designed for early-career professionals who require prompt, strategic advice. Unlike traditional coaching methods, this model doesn't hinge on long-term relationships with a single coach. Instead, it offers the flexibility of instant access to diverse expertise, catering to immediate concerns or emerging workplace challenges. This approach is particularly advantageous for addressing specific, situational hurdles - be it a critical performance review, navigating complex professional relationships, or strategic guidance on imminent tasks. The brilliance of on-demand coaching lies in its capacity to provide rapid, tactical support from coaches who excel in pinpointing and addressing development areas promptly. Offer your early careers staff access to coaching through the credit system, and only pay for utilisation. We work with you to operationalise an effective coaching operation for your high potential staff, ensuring they have career support in the moments when they need it most. At BOLDLY, we have on-demand coaches who are adept at diving deep into the crux of an issue, offering actionable insights that catalyse personal growth and professional excellence. Reach out to discover how this unique on-demand coaching can be the catalyst for unlocking your staff's full potential, precisely when they need it.
EnquireCase Study:
Through our work with organisations globally, BOLDLY implements a variety of coaching solutions, touching individual lives, and the business as a whole. Here’s some feedback from a coachee we’ve worked with, as well as a view of how we collaborate with their company to build a border coaching culture.
"It was a really great experience, I can understand why coaching sessions are highly recommended. We were able to walk through some of my questions and come up with concrete actions afterwards which I really like. I haven't experienced this yet with any other coaching sessions thus far in the programme so I really appreciated this type of coaching style."- ParticipantEnquire