Working From Home Challenges Part 2
Posted by Alexandra Lamb
Through COVID, many of our BOLDLY users have found themselves working from home. In many ways, as knowledge workers, we're fortunate to have this opportunity. And at the same time, new challenges have arisen. For most of us, our homes weren't designed to work in for long periods, and our bodies need new forms of care and support.
One of our users asked: "What is a good way to unwind or disconnect from work, if work, leisure, family, rest, are all in the same one location- home?" This is just the tip of the iceberg - and our Coaches and Mentors came out in response with tips, resources, and collaboration to find new ways to create our work environments. While each individual needs to find what works for them, there's no doubt that sharing our experience will help us find new ways of bein effective, whether we're working from home, close to home, or in an office roster.