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What Can Executive Coaching Do for Your Organisation Post-COVID?

April 19, 2023

Posted by Alexandra Lamb

As the business world continues to evolve rapidly in the aftermath of COVID-19, every facet of your company faces unique challenges requiring specialized support. Your teams are navigating the new hybrid reality of their work, and leaders are learning to communicate and inspire their vision across a distributed workforce. This is where coaching in the workplace comes in, to ensure managers and leaders have the skills they need to support and engage their teams for performance, as we negotiate the new normal.

Coaching has become a popular tool for staff development, with executive and career coaching gaining recognition for unlocking potential and driving performance even before the pandemic created the imperative for staff support and development services that could be personalised. In this blog, we'll explore the key benefits of coaching and how it can help individuals and organisations thrive in today's dynamic business landscape.

The Benefits of Executive Coaching

Coaching Provides Objective Support:

Executives carry a significant weight of responsibility in their roles as leaders, and this was evident through the health crisis of COVID, where leaders needed to quickly make decisions and support their teams through rapid change to work-from-home. They are often expected to have all the answers and deliver results consistently, even in these unprecedented situations. In this high-pressure environment, executives need a reliable support system to help them succeed and support their teams. However, finding it can be challenging, when HR and their peer groups are also stretched.

This is where executive coaching comes in. Coaches provide a confidential space for your company executives to navigate challenges like this, test ideas and make informed decisions. A coach creates a safe environment for the executive to share their thoughts, manage their feelings privately and appropriately, and organise their approach to communicating with their teams. One of the greatest benefits of coaching is this opportunity for affect management.

Coaching Provides Specific Tools For Navigating Change

Change initiatives and sudden crises often require heavy workloads and a focus on helping others through the process, which is often through uncharted territory. As such, your executives may find themselves overwhelmed and needing support, so they in turn can lead their businesses and create a level of certainty for teams to operate in. Coaches can provide a collaborative approach to help executives develop the necessary skills, knowledge and strategies to navigate change and respond to crises at a professional and organisational level, ensuring they can operate in ambiguity and develop mental models that help them make decisions when there’s no ‘right’ solution. This can include brainstorming on options for communication, increasing self-awareness and connecting with stress responses, creating action plans, holding executives accountable and providing encouragement throughout the process.

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Coaching is a Personalized Development  Approach:

Executive coaching is a customised approach to organisational development, which can be highly beneficial to your company’s growth, particularly when business needs are uncertain. Coaches personalize solutions based on your executives’ individual goals, personalities and professional situations, using a range of techniques to address specific needs. This ensures that the executive is able to build and deliver a unique plan of attack based on the circumstances they’re facing, not just a generic leadership or management playbook. The tailored approach offered by coaching enables executives to achieve their desired outcomes and quickly apply what they've learned in coaching to their work, in a way that is authentic to their style and values, and in keeping with the business context.

Find Qualified Coaches at BOLDLY

Are you looking for an executive or career coach online for your organisation? BOLDLY is an online coach marketplace that can provide your solution to finding qualified and vetted executive and career coaches for your employees. With access to a vast network of coaches, BOLDLY can help you accelerate your employees' career growth, increase productivity, and improve overall job satisfaction. Trust us to help you provide the support and development opportunities your employees need to succeed - BOLDLY.

About the Author:

Alexandra Lamb is an accomplished organisational development practitioner, with experience across APAC, North America, and MENA. With 20+ years in professional practice, conglomerates, and startups, she has collaborated with rapid-growth companies and industry innovators to develop leaders and high-performance teams. She is particularly experienced in talent strategy as a driver for business growth. Drawing from her experience in the fields of talent management, psychology, coaching, product development, and human-centred design, Alex prides herself on using commercial acumen to design talent solutions with true impact.

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