Career Coach, Coach Ksenia, Coaching Facilitation

Coach Spotlight - Coach Ksenia

December 28, 2022

Posted by Lisa Singh

In the third of our Coach Spotlight series, we meet Coach Ksenia- CPCC, PCC, Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, Facilitation.

Coach Ksenia thank you for speaking with us! We are excited to learn more about your coaching style and personality! Let's get started!

Where is home and what is your favourite thing about that place?

I am currently based in South Africa and call Johannesburg home. What I love about being here is the proximity to nature and good weather most of the year - I love hiking, gardening and just playing outside with my two-year-old daughter. We have absolutely magical sunsets here too!

Where is on your bucket list to travel to?

I have some remote, almost untouched by civilization, corners of the world on my list - Kamchatka Peninsula, Issyk-Kul lake and Bhutan.

What is your most prized possession?

I moved across the world so many times and I learned to be a minimalist in my approach to life. The most prized possession is probably my MacBook as it keeps me connected to the world no matter where I am. 

If you were to sum up your coaching style in three words, what would they be?

Direct, deep and caring 

How long have you been coaching and what accreditations do you hold?

I have been coaching since 2015 and my journey started with completing a coaching certification with Co-Active Training Institute. I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation and have over 1500 recorded coaching hours. Being a voracious learner when it comes to something I am passionate about, I haven’t stopped learning since. There is a number of programs and certifications in coaching field that I’ve completed in the past seven years with the latest one in vertical development - Global Leadership Profile Coach certification.

What made you want to become a coach?

It all started when I hired myself a coach in 2013. Prior to that I had a corporate career in financial services industry. I remember walking into my office overlooking Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong for the first time and thinking - I am doing something right with my life. When the novelty of working for an investment back in Hong Kong wore off I was left with the same feeling of being stuck, unmotivated and not fulfilled. That’s when I hired a coach. My first coaching course was a part of my personal development plan as a human being and a leader.  I didn’t expect back then that I would leave the corporate world and start my own coaching practice but led by my curiosity and passion for human growth and development I took the risk and reinvented myself once again.

How has your professional background influenced your coaching style?

As a coach I continue leveraging some of the strengths that served me well in my corporate career. I am good at connecting the dots, seeing patterns, being able to zoom out to see the bigger picture and zoom in to address the details. I support my clients in creating more clarity for themselves about where they are now, where they want to be and creating actionable steps to get there. 

What differentiates you from other coaches?

There is a unique mix of experiences and passions that shaped me as a human being and a coach. I am an expat with a corporate background, systems thinker and have a very analytical mind. I am also a trained yoga teacher, seasoned meditator and Aikido student (non violent Japanese martial art). I use these tools and practices to support my clients to develop presence, confidence and the ability to act from a more effective, centered state while navigating the complexity and challenges of the modern world. Having lived in Eastern Europe, Hong Kong, and South Africa, I developed strong interest and high sensitivity for cultural diversity, cross-cultural challenges and opportunities. 

What advice would you give to someone about approaching their manager to ask for a coach?

Just do that and be open to have a conversation.

What has been your biggest coaching success so far?

I had the privilege to support my clients through tough transitions and witness them showing up, accepting their own humanity and seeing the humanity of others, expanding their awareness, making decisions based on their values, and taking courageous steps.

To book in a chemistry session with Coach Ksenia or for more information on the services that BOLDLY offers contact

About the Author:

Lisa Singh is an Australian, living with her family in the beautiful South Pacific. As Coach Business Partner Lead for BOLDLY, Lisa's team screen and onboard coaches onto our global marketplace, then enable the matching and engagement process so that coaches can do what they do best: deliver exceptional coaching journeys to our coachees. Lisa is a trained nurse, and her role with BOLDLY she loves meeting top coaches and promoting their work for a win:win. Connect with Lisa .

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