Coach Genevieve, Hong Kong

Coach Spotlight: Coach Genevieve

December 15, 2023

Posted by Lisa Singh

Welcome to the BOLDLY Coach Spotlight this week, Coach Genevieve! We appreciate you joining us and sharing with our readers a little about yourself, and what they can expect from you as their coach.

1) Where do you currently live and what do you enjoy most about living there?

Having grown up in Singapore and been educated in Scotland, I have now been living in Hong Kong for 20 years! Hong Kong is a lifeforce of its own right. Even through the trials and tribulations of the past few years, it continues to grow and evolve. It retains its vibrancy, resilience and unique blend of diversity and organic chaos of both nature and culture.

2) What is your most prized possession?

My attention! 

3) You are fluent in Cantonese, English and Mandarin - how do you feel being tri-lingual opens up the world for you?

I have often felt ‘in between’ cultures and languages. So each language provides a bridge, but is also a liminal space in which I can move between different ways of understanding and communicating. And in Hong Kong, I can always figure out a way to communicate in a mish-mash of these 3 languages to just about anyone! 

4) If you were to sum up your coaching style in three words, what would they be?

Positive, possible and perceptive. 

5) You're a former medical doctor and HR leader, how did you make the transition into coaching?

I like to joke about one theme that runs through my different careers -  I have spent a lot of time trying to convince people to do things that are mostly good for them, but that they don’t always want to do! 

On a more serious note, I have accompanied others through many significant life and career decisions and turning points. I got a front row seat in witnessing the many amazing, resilient, creative, surprising ways in which people meet with opportunities and challenges. 

I knew that at some point, I wanted to transition out of a full time corporate career but still do work that was closely aligned to my deep passion for working with people in the areas of growth and well-being. I wanted to give my company lots of time to make a good transition plan, and also leave with a clear plan for the first 12 months of my new adventure! That involved getting my 2 year Mindfulness Teacher Training certification, completing my coaching training, and setting up my new business, called Take Care of the Moments. 

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6) How has your professional background influenced your coaching style?

As a trained doctor, I bring a science based, empirical approach to behavioural change and decision making. And as an HR leader, I was trained to find practical and measurable ways to support and achieve performance and results. So my clients will appreciate that when they work with me. 

At the same time, I deeply appreciate human complexity. It is one thing to know what the science says, or what’s ‘good for you’, and another to really develop the skills and habits for growth and well-being. So I’m deeply empathic and supportive of what it takes for real change, and aim to provide an encouraging presence and the appropriate level of challenge for my clients. 

7) You hold a Level 3 accreditation from the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership (IECL), what does this entail?

This is the highest level of coach training offered by IECL which specialises in coach training for leaders in organisations and businesses. So there is a particular emphasis on coaching for those who are in executive or leadership roles within a context of a broader organisation/team. 

It amounts to over 128 hours of coach training hours.

8) What differentiates you from other coaches?

I also graduated from a 2 year Mindfulness Teacher Training Program from the Awareness Training Institute, in partnership with UC Berkeley. I am also a listed teacher of the Hong Kong Mindfulness Teachers Network, which is similar to ICF as a recognised body that lists fully accredited Mindfulness teachers! So if you’re looking to learn Mindfulness or work with a Mindfulness-based coach, make sure you check for reputable credentials! 

Mindfulness is a big part of my own personal and coach development - mindfulness practices develop presence, listening skills, resilience and compassion, self awareness and attunement. I also offer mindfulness practices to my clients so that they too can find the calm and clarity that will help them through the coaching process. Mindful leaders have the potential to create real impact through their presence!

9) What advice would you give to someone about approaching their manager to ask for a coach?

Coaching is really helpful when you have something you want to work on or change. And it’s also great when you don’t have anything specific in mind, but are committed to your growth and well-being. So be confident about asking for your manager’s and company’s investment in you and your future!! Ultimately, if that is your goal, there will be no lack of opportunities for your ongoing growth and development. Coaching can help you see possibilities that you may not have seen before, and put together a plan to reach those goals. These can then be incorporated into your performance and development review process with your manager.

10) Without using any identifying details. What has been your biggest coaching success so far?

I gain huge satisfaction from helping people navigate significant life changes - big career moves, early retirement, or significant relationship transitions. And sometimes it’s a combination of two or even more of these at the same time! 

I can think of a case where my client was balancing a demanding promotion while facing a major decision point in his long distance relationship. This was particularly successful because we were able to work through the challenges and opportunities step by step, reducing a lot of doubt, worry or over-rumination that can often happen in these stressful times. Confident that he had found a reflective, accepting, calm space in the coaching container to clear his head, he was so appreciative that he was able to step back and slow down. The mental and emotional clarity that this brought was invaluable during this time of great growth and uncertainty. I helped him put together a clear onboarding/transition plan for his first 6 months in his new role, as well as provided a sounding board for how to best approach his personal life changes.  

Thank you Coach Genevieve for joining us in this week's BOLDLY Coach Spotlight! To book a free 30-minute chemistry session with Coach Genevieve, or to learn more about the services we offer at BOLDLY, visit or email

About the Author:

Lisa Singh is an Australian, living with her family in the beautiful South Pacific. As Coach Business Partner Lead for BOLDLY, Lisa's team screen and onboard coaches onto our global marketplace, then enable the matching and engagement process so that coaches can do what they do best: deliver exceptional coaching journeys to our coachees. Lisa is a trained nurse, and her role with BOLDLY she loves meeting top coaches and promoting their work for a win:win. Connect with Lisa .

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