ICF PCC Coach David, Hong Kong

Coach Spotlight: Coach David

July 27, 2023

Posted by Lisa Singh

On this week's BOLDLY Coach Spotlight we welcome ICF PCC Coach David! It's a pleasure to have you join us and we look forward to hearing about your coaching, 'Fine Tuning for Peak Performance' and the tips you can offer clients and coachees!

1) You are currently based in Hong Kong, but have lived in many different countries including mainland China and Thailand- what are your favourite things about each of those places?

I was born into an expatriate life. Living in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean in my early years and educated in the UK from the age of 7. I have been based in Hong Kong since 1994 with a two and a half year stint in Shanghai, China. Prior to Hong Kong and 1994, I worked in Thailand, the UK, Antigua and France.

My favourite thing about Hong Kong is the resilience of the Cantonese people. Their ability to reinvent themselves and adapt to remain relevant has positively impacted my approach to coaching. From Shanghai the love the influences from the different trading nations that have impacted the architecture and theatre of the city. Thailand, their smile, hospitality and relaxed attitude towards life.

From all 3 places I love the food … the incredible influences from the Typhoon Shelter cooking culture in the Cantonese cuisine, The architecture and grandiose theatre of Shanghai in the culture and cuisine, then the complexity of the spicy Thai food. I love to cook… and eat.

2) Where is on your bucket list to travel to next?

Literally, I am going to hop across the North African Coast, firstly arriving in Morocco visiting Marrakesh then Casablanca before moving on to Tunisia and the city of Tunis then going to Egypt, visit Cairo and the Pyramids on my way to Alexandria. Visiting the Souks and Bazaars and whilst it’s not quite the same journey as young Santiago from Paulo Coelho’s book “The Alchemist” the vibrancy of the region really spoke to me years ago when I read the book. It is one of the reasons that inspires me to go.

3) Can you tell us a little about your professional background?

I have a BA Degree from Glasgow Caledonian University in Hospitality Management. I have a background in Corporate Hospitality and Leadership. Initially in Food & Beverage then Hotel Management and International Projects. I spent (18 years) building and developing teams and managing multiple operations and leading up to 600 people. Training and developing and motivating these teams was fundamental to my success as well as feeding into my values to have a positive impact in my world. I have also been a serial Entrepreneur owning and operating a restaurant and bar (3 years), then Import and Trading Wholesale, Consultation (6 years), Teaching and Training (5 years). Some of these overlapping.

4) What initially sparked your interest in coaching and the transition to coaching?

My wife passed away in 2018. I had always found it hard to ask for help, as I was so used to helping others, and or figuring things out on my own. I guess I felt very self-reliant, which at the time I would have called independent. Prior to her passing, I had participated in an introductory coaching work shop and found it amazing and powerful. To me the process felt tangible and empowering. I had done a lot of holistic self-development which requires vast amounts of trust in the practitioner with little or no action required on my side. The difference with coaching was I felt empowered and could leave with a structure and plan to work forwards on. It was motivating and opened my mind to what is possible.

It was in the second half of my Intermediate coaching training when I decided I was ready to be coached on her passing. It was a front of room training to demonstrate the specific process. My vulnerability and raw authenticity was powerful in the sense that it gave permission to my fellow classmates to be more vulnerable. I had exposed my deepest feelings in front of the group. It changed to dynamic of the class and allowed everybody to feel safe and express and work on deeper issues. It was a major turning point in my journey. That was when I decided to become a coach, and hold space for others who want coaching.

Looking back now it opened the door for me to really take back control over my life and what I wanted from it. I found myself embracing self-empowerment, self-worth, self-esteem, self- value and becoming self-assured.

5) How long have you been coaching and which accreditations do you hold?

Since 2018. I took the CTI (Co-Active Institute) Fundamentals, then Intermediate Courses and followed on to the Certification and CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach) 2020. I am a member of the ICF, (the International Coaching Federation), where in September 2020 took my ACC (Associate Certified Coach) in the same year and in August 2022, I became a PCC (Professional Certified Coach). To date as of July 2023, I have approximately 1,500 hours of 1:1 Coaching experience and growing. I am also a member of the IOC (Institute of Coaching).

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6) Coaching is an industry that is not highly regulated- what tips can you give potential clients and coachees on finding reputable coaches?

As in all industries coaching has a vast range of expertise from the brilliant to beginners and everything in between. Do your research and due diligence. Check their qualifications, references and testimonials. Ask for an “Introductory Coaching Session” or “Chemistry Session”. Talk to at least 3 different coaches and have trial sessions with each. If there is a connection or you resonate with one of them then start the engagement, if not reach out to 3 more and do it again until you find your match.

For example, find a Coach who is a Member of the ICF (International Coaching Federation). The ICF provide coaching certifications, have an ethics policy and code of conduct. Moreover, every 2 years all coaching members all will need to recertify with additional hours of learning as well as coaching hours. Look at the educational coaching path taken. I went to CTI (Co-Active Training Institute) one of the older schools and a founding member of the IFC. To be certified as CPCC from CTI, you need to have had 200 hours of coaching education plus 100 hours of 1:1 coaching with paying clients.

Of course there are some other great coaching schools and coaching organisations. I cannot speak for them as I have not participated in their programs.

7) Do you prefer to offer Professional Executive Coaching services online, or in person?

Defiantly Online as most of my clients are overseas. It offers flexible scheduling. I do have in-person sessions, then there is travel involved where my coachee has to come to my office.

8) You've spoken previously about 'Fine Tuning for Peak Performance'. What does this mean to you?

Everybody comes into a coaching engagement with a certain level of knowledge and experience. They have gotten to where they have in life on their own merits and choices. If they are feeling stuck or need further support to grow then, perhaps they are looking to try something differently which will bring them a different outcome. “Fine Tuning for Peak Performance” meets them where they are. Together we attune their goals and review their intentions and current actions and ensure that they are aligned. Also what has gotten them to where they are in life to date may not get them to where they want to be going so they need to make some adjustments. Hence the “Fine Tuning”. We start to move the dial to get them to explore new perspectives and what is possible.

9) Have you seen a shift in coaching culture over the past few years?

I have seen coaching become a very important tool/structure to many individuals/companies to support themselves/ their employees to grow. Whether it is standalone 1:1 coaching. As 1:1 coaching in support of internal leadership and development programs they are running. Or in Team coaching to support the team to grow as a whole. Coaching has/is becoming a very useful process in achieving growth and outcomes.

10) Lastly, what advice would you offer to those considering engaging a career coach?

Be open, honest (with yourself), and vulnerable with what you want in your career AND what you are looking for in a coach. With me I will be holding you accountable for the inner work, (reflective actions) that are fundamental to grow. Shining a spotlight on how you are empowering and framing yourself, to enhance self-worth and self-esteem. Unpacking the limiting beliefs and roadblocks that may be in the way. Then collaborating with you in building a framework, strategy and structure for your Intentions and Actions moving forward. Know that I will be standing at your side supporting you in facing the obstacles in your way of what you want to accomplish.

Coach David thank you for joining us and sharing your inspirational story! If you would like to have a complimentary 30minute chemistry session with Coach David, or have any questions about services that BOLDLY can offer, contact connect@boldly.app

About the Author:

Lisa Singh is an Australian, living with her family in the beautiful South Pacific. As Coach Business Partner Lead for BOLDLY, Lisa's team screen and onboard coaches onto our global marketplace, then enable the matching and engagement process so that coaches can do what they do best: deliver exceptional coaching journeys to our coachees. Lisa is a trained nurse, and her role with BOLDLY she loves meeting top coaches and promoting their work for a win:win. Connect with Lisa .

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