ICF ACC Coach Alexandria, Indonesia

Coach Spotlight: Coach Alexandria

January 19, 2024

Posted by Lisa Singh

This week we are welcome ICF Associate Certified Coach Alexandria to the BOLDLY Coach Spotlight. Thank you for your time Coach Alexandria- we look forward to learning more about you with our readers!

1. What is your favourite thing about the location you call home?

I like the sense of comfort here (in Jakarta, Indonesia). People are friendly, and there's a sense of community where everyone respects each other's privacy but is also ready to help when needed. Plus, getting food and groceries is super easy – everything is within walking distance.

2. Can you tell us about your hobbies? Do you have any pets?

Apart from coaching, I have a few things I really enjoy. I love reading, whether it's for fun or to learn new things. It is something that brings me a lot of happiness. I also like swimming because it helps me stay in the moment. Being in the water feels like connecting with nature, and it's very calming. Even though I don't have any pets, I really like animals, especially dogs. They always bring joy to me. And one more thing – I love to travel! Just exploring different places and walking around makes me feel alive and content. It's a great way to experience new things and create memories.

3. Is Career Coaching the space you always intended to work in?

Honestly, no. It wasn't something I initially planned, but after navigating my own career changes, I discovered a passion for helping others do the same. It felt like a natural fit. And I was in a leadership role before, so I can relate to many of my clients who seek guidance in building, managing, or leading their teams.

4. How did you make the transition between your previous career and becoming a coach?

The transition from my previous career to becoming a coach wasn't something I had initially planned. I first came across the concept of coaching when I stumbled upon a coaching school's website. At that point, I was in search of a change, something fresh and empowering. I didn't exactly know what I was looking for, but I wanted a career that could remain fulfilling even into retirement.

In my quest, I turned to Google, exploring various professions that fit my criteria. Coaching stood out to me, and I decided to delve into it. From there, I began integrating coaching principles into my training, paving the way for my transition into this rewarding career.

5. Which style of coaching do you find to be most effective in First Time Managers?

I find a supportive and collaborative coaching style works best for first-time managers. It's crucial to guide them while allowing space for self-discovery and growth. This approach recognizes the importance of offering support while fostering an environment where these new managers can learn and develop their skills through their own experiences.

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6. How have you seen coaching culture evolve over the past 5 years?

Coaching has become more widely recognized and accepted. Companies now see it as an essential tool for personal and professional development, creating a culture of continuous improvement. But some companies and individuals still don't know much about coaching; they might confuse it with training or consulting. So, it's important to keep educating them about what coaching really is.

7. What constitutes a successful coaching engagement for you?

To me, success is when my clients gain some clarity on what they want and need to do to move forward to achieve their goals and experience positive, lasting change.

It's incredibly rewarding to see them grow and be more resilient in overcoming challenges. Their transformation into a better version of themselves marks the success of our coaching journey together.

8. How are you positioned to work with challenges that occur in the workplace vs. the coaches personal life, that impacts the workplace?

I adopt a holistic approach when dealing with challenges, understanding that personal and professional aspects are interconnected. This enables me to address issues comprehensively and tailor my coaching to the unique needs of the individual.

Recognizing that personal and professional growth are intertwined, I navigate challenges by considering the individual as a whole person, understanding that progress in one aspect inevitably influences the other.

9. In the almost four years you have been coaching, how do you stay relevant with Professional Development?

Continuous learning is key. I regularly participate in workshops and collaborate with peers to stay informed about industry trends. This ongoing education allows me to integrate new insights into my coaching approach, enhancing my ability to assist coachees effectively. Additionally, I am in the process of upgrading my coaching credential to PCC, which involves further training, mentoring, and accruing more coaching hours. This dedication to professional development ensures that I provide the most valuable support to those I work with.

10. What advice would you offer to an individual wanting to approach theirmanagement about obtaining a coach?

I'd suggest highlighting the benefits of coaching in terms of personal and professional growth. Emphasize how it can contribute to individual development and, consequently, enhance team success. Additionally, sharing success stories or relevant case studies can provide concrete examples that make a compelling case for the value of coaching in the workplace.

Thank you Coach Alexandria for joining us in this week's BOLDLY Coach Spotlight! To book a complimentary 30-minute chemistry session with Coach Alexandria, or to learn more about the services we offer at BOLDLY, visit www.boldly.app or email connect@boldly.app

About the Author:

Lisa Singh is an Australian, living with her family in the beautiful South Pacific. As Coach Business Partner Lead for BOLDLY, Lisa's team screen and onboard coaches onto our global marketplace, then enable the matching and engagement process so that coaches can do what they do best: deliver exceptional coaching journeys to our coachees. Lisa is a trained nurse, and her role with BOLDLY she loves meeting top coaches and promoting their work for a win:win. Connect with Lisa .

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