ICF PCC Coach Ruth Friedman, Scotland, Executive career coach with BOLDLY Get A Coach

Coach Spotlight: Coach Ruth

June 27, 2024

Posted by Lisa Singh

Welcome to the BOLDLY Coach Spotlight! This week we are honoured to welcome Coach Ruth who is recognised as one of Edinburgh's Top 10 Coaches by the Forbetter Institute. Accredited both as an ICF PCC, as well Master Executive Coach with the Association for Coaching, Coach Ruth has a wealth of knowledge to share with us! Let's begin!

1) Scotland, where you are based has beautiful scenery, What's the most breathtaking natural landscape you've ever seen, and what made it memorable for you?

This is a hard question for me, I have travelled extensively throughout the world, and I love many natural environments, especially high mountains, and the ocean.  But there is something uniquely special about really old forests - like the ones I saw in Northern California and Oregon. They bring me a feeling of deep awe and reverence in those places, which is why I highlight these above and beyond all other special places.  


2) If you could instantly become an expert in any skill or subject, what would it be and why?

I would love to be an expert neuroscientist! I have some knowledge of the subject and I find it fascinating. It helps me understand myself and my clients much better. Becoming a true expert in the field would help me even more!


3) Your professional career originated in science; can you talk us through your transition into executive coaching?

I studied science because I was fascinated by how the world works. As I started my career, I became even more fascinated by people and how to work well with them. My personal life took me to Belgium and when I was there, I had opportunities I never would have had at home. I supported the Leadership and Development program at the Solvay MBA program and went on to manage their Careers Program. I later worked in the Talent Management Department of an international bank. I went on to develop, manage and deliver an award-winning Non-Discrimination and Diversity Training Program, at European level.

This led to further work in the field for the OSCE and the Council of Europe. Working with so many different cultures led me to intercultural training and coaching. I have been supporting senior leaders arriving and leaving Belgium since 2014. I also followed many personal and professional development trainings alongside my day job. Before I knew it, I was seeing private clients working with Focusing, and NARM (the Neuro Affective Relational Model). These are both methods in which I am Certified and Trained, and which help the client to access the felt sense and become more embodied. I wanted to develop my private client work further and so I developed my skills as a coach. Transitioning to Executive Coaching was the natural next step for me.


4) How would you describe your coaching methodology in a few words?

Deep enquiry, challenge and empathy

5) You have created your own framework. Where does it come from and how does it help your clients?

Over the years working with hundreds of clients, I started to notice some common patterns. The payroll manager at a major IT company grew up in the former Soviet Union. The messages this man received as a youth kept him playing small to this day. When he attended a meeting of business leaders in his city, he felt that he didn't belong there. He said all the others owned their own company, so what was his place there? He struggled to recognize the breadth of experience he did have to bring to the table. A senior lawyer in a major manufacturing company would shrink in the presence of a senior leader. It turned out that this man's first ever boss had yelled at staff all the time. These are two examples of the type of stories that I hear often from my clients. Things that have happened in the past limit so many people in their careers and they are not even aware of it! I created the Lead Being You Framework, to codify common survival strategies. My framework also brings humour with the caricatures I created. This makes it easier for people to see themselves and to not take themselves too seriously. But it’s not a typology and we can make different choices at any moment. We all have survival strategies, some of them are brilliant and help us move forwards. Too often the opposite happens, and these strategies tend to diminish us. Brilliant as they were at the time, they are unhelpful nowadays. My framework helps my clients recognize and accept themselves. Then they go on to choose new and better strategies which help them have a better impact going forwards.

6) What are the most common issues that you work on with your clients?


Typically, my clients want to address some or all of the following topics:

➤Better Prioritizing their Time
➤Better Delegation
➤ Executive Presence

➤ Giving and Receiving Feedback


We do all that. At the end of the coaching my clients also report that they feel more confident, they value themselves, their time and what they are doing a whole lot more. In a sense I help my clients get out of their very own way so that they can get on and do the great work that they want to be doing in the world


7) Can you share an example of how you are helping women in leadership roles that fosters their professional growth and development?

 When the Head of CRM Solutions at a well-known manufacturing company started working with me, she didn't really believe in herself. When a senior male colleague was stuck in his ways and obstructing progress, she took it all personally and made herself wrong. She was also picking up everyone else's work and so had little time for her own. Since working together, she has gotten much better at delegating. This means that the person who is supposed to be doing that work, actually does it, so she doesn't have to. This frees up her time so she can do her own work. She reckons that working with me is saving her hours every week! But more than that, her whole view of her future has changed - she can now see beyond her immediate environment. She can see herself in a more senior role in the company that she never would have considered before our work together. And about that difficult male colleague? She has come to realize that's just the way he is. He's like that with everyone and she doesn't take it personally any more. She even laughs about it now when she talks about him!

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8) How do you tailor your coaching approach to meet the unique needs and challenges of each executive client?

I meet the client where they are. I listen deeply, I reflect, I don't have a formula. I have a lot of tools in my toolkit. In the moment I know which tool or resource is going to be the right one for this person. I think this is part of being a ç.


9) How do you define and promote a coaching culture within organizations?

Many of my clients are managers and also provide coaching to their staff. Often, they find it difficult to recognize when it is appropriate to be coaching and when straightforward delegation or training is needed. These all have their place. Many companies try to introduce a coaching culture from the top down. But building a coaching culture actually happens one coaching conversation at a time. The more my clients experience coaching with me, the more resourced they are to offer this kind of open curious space to others.


10) Finally, what do you feel sets you apart from other coaches, and why should organizations choose to engage your services?

I am recognized as one of Edinburgh's Top 10 Coaches. This award from the Forbetter Institute is in recognition of my professionalism and commitment to excellence, which I cherish.

I have been on a journey of personal and professional development most of my adult life. This included sitting in an Encounter Group for almost 20 years. I did this to support my own personal growth and now it helps me bring a depth to my work that is rarely matched. My passion for learning and my own development also gives me a diverse range of tools that I bring to my clients. My aim is to help organizations get the best out of their people so that they bring more of themselves to their work. This is not only good for the individuals and their teams. It is also good for business, and I believe I am a good fit for any organization that sees this and wants this! 

Thank you so much for joining us Coach Ruth it was a pleasure to learn your journey and hear your insights! If you would like to learn more about BOLDLY or have a complimentary 30minute chemistry session with Coach Ruth contact connect@boldly.app

About the Author:

Lisa Singh is an Australian, living with her family in the beautiful South Pacific. As Coach Business Partner Lead for BOLDLY, Lisa's team screen and onboard coaches onto our global marketplace, then enable the matching and engagement process so that coaches can do what they do best: deliver exceptional coaching journeys to our coachees. In her role with BOLDLY she loves meeting top coaches and promoting their work for a win:win. Connect with Lisa here.

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