Coachee not seeing progress with coach

How should I move forward if I don’t think I’m getting the right results with my Coach?

February 2, 2024

Posted by BOLDLY

Embarking on a coaching journey is a significant investment in your personal and professional growth. However, there may be instances where you feel the results aren't aligning with your expectations. This article explores how to address such situations effectively and professionally.

Recognise That Coaching Takes Time

First and foremost, it's crucial to understand that coaching is not an overnight solution. Meaningful change and personal development often require time and consistent effort. Before concluding that your coaching isn't yielding results, ensure you've given the process adequate time to work.

Open a Dialogue with Your Coach

If you've been patient but still feel unsatisfied, the next step is to have an open and honest conversation with your coach. This dialogue should aim to:

  1. Realign your goals and expectations
  2. Review the strategies and methods being employed
  3. Discuss any challenges or obstacles you're facing
  4. Explore potential adjustments to your coaching approach

Providing Effective Feedback: The SBI Model

When discussing your concerns with your coach, it's essential to provide clear, specific feedback on any aspect of their approach that isn’t working for you. One effective method for doing this is the Situation-Behaviour-Impact (SBI) model. Here's how to apply it:

  1. Situation: Describe the specific context or situation where you felt the coaching was not meeting your needs. Example: "During our last three sessions, when we were discussing my leadership challenges..."
  2. Behaviour: Objectively describe what the coach did or said, without interpretation or judgement. Example: "You spent most of the time sharing your own experiences rather than asking me questions or helping me explore my thoughts."
  3. Impact: Explain how their behaviour affected you and your progress towards your goals. Example: "As a result, I felt that we weren't focusing on my specific situation, and I wasn't developing my own problem-solving skills as much as I had hoped."

By using this model, you provide your coach with concrete information that they can act upon to improve their coaching style and better meet your needs.

Here’s some more resources on the SBI model

Adjust Your Coaching Approach

Based on your discussion, you might need to work with your coach to modify your coaching plan so it is ideally suited to you and your evolving development needs. This might involve:

  • Setting more specific or realistic goals
  • Changing the frequency or format of your sessions
  • Implementing new tools or techniques
  • Addressing any external factors that might be hindering your progress

Keep in mind that coaching is an ongoing, iterative process, and your goals and needs will continuously change. You need to keep your coach informed of this, and disclose what’s working for you.

Seek Support

Remember, you're not alone in this process. If you're unsure about how to proceed or need guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to the BOLDLY Support Team. We can provide valuable insights and assistance in navigating your coaching journey.

To contact the Support Team:

  • Use the 'chat' button located in the bottom right corner of the platform
  • Send an email to 

Our team will be able to speak with the coach directly, share your feedback, and advise them on how to adjust their approach. Or we’ll be able to join a 3-way call with you to facilitate a discussion around next steps. 

It’s very rare to need to change coaches, however our team will always support in cases where this can’t be avoided for ethical reasons or breeches of professionalism. 

While it can be frustrating to feel that you're not achieving the desired results from your coaching, there are constructive steps you can take to address the situation. By maintaining open communication, being willing to adjust your approach, and utilising available support resources, you can ensure that your coaching experience remains valuable and aligned with your professional development goals.

Looking for more resources?

How to ask your boss for a coach

What type of goals should you have?

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