Female coach on a one-on-one session with a coachee

When might I take on coaching?

February 13, 2024

Posted by BOLDLY

Many individuals are turning to career, professional, or executive coaches to gain an edge and navigate their career paths more effectively. But when is the right time to seek such guidance? Let's explore the scenarios where coaching can be particularly beneficial.

Understanding Career Coaching

Before we delve into the 'when', it's important to understand what career coaching entails. A coach acts as a facilitator, helping you to:

  • Clarify your goals and aspirations
  • Identify your strengths and areas for improvement
  • Develop strategies to overcome obstacles
  • Enhance your decision-making skills
  • Improve your professional performance

Key Moments to Consider Coaching

  1. Career Transitions If you're contemplating a significant career change, a coach can help you assess your skills, explore new opportunities, and develop a transition plan. They can provide valuable insights into different industries and roles, helping you make informed decisions.
  2. Performance Reviews Approaching a crucial performance review? A coach can assist you in preparing effectively, helping you to articulate your achievements and address any areas of concern. They can also guide you in setting meaningful goals for the upcoming period.
  3. Leadership Advancement As you move up the career ladder, the skills that got you there may not be sufficient for your new role. A coach can help you develop the leadership skills necessary for executive positions, such as strategic thinking, people management, and organisational politics.
  4. Challenging Work Relationships If you're struggling with a difficult boss or colleague, a coach can provide strategies for improving communication, managing conflicts, and building more productive relationships.
  5. Work-Life Balance Issues Feeling overwhelmed or burnt out? A coach can help you reassess your priorities, set boundaries, and develop strategies for better work-life integration.
  6. Career Plateaus If you feel stuck in your current role with no clear path forward, a coach can help you identify new opportunities for growth and development within your organisation or industry.
  7. Self-Discovery and Personal Growth Sometimes, you may simply want to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your values, and your motivations. A coach can guide you through this process of self-discovery, helping you align your career with your personal goals and values.
  8. Ongoing Career Management Some professionals choose to work with a coach regularly as part of their ongoing career management strategy. This can help you stay focused on your long-term goals and continuously improve your professional skills.

The Benefits of Timely Coaching

Engaging a coach at the right time can yield significant benefits:

  • Clarity and Focus: A coach can help you cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters in your career.
  • Accountability: Regular sessions with a coach can keep you accountable to your goals and commitments.
  • Objective Perspective: A coach provides an unbiased viewpoint, helping you see situations from different angles.
  • Skill Development: Coaches can identify areas for improvement and provide targeted strategies for skill enhancement.
  • Confidence Building: Through coaching, you can develop greater self-awareness and confidence in your abilities.


While there's no one-size-fits-all answer to when you should get a coach, it's worth considering at any point when you feel you could benefit from expert guidance, a fresh perspective, or structured support in your professional life. Whether you're facing a specific challenge, contemplating a major career move, or simply aiming to maximise your potential, a skilled coach can be an invaluable asset in your professional journey.

Remember, coaching is an investment in yourself and your career. By choosing the right time to engage a coach, you can accelerate your professional growth, navigate challenges more effectively, and ultimately, find greater satisfaction and success in your career.

If you're interested in learning more about how BOLDLY can help your organisation, we invite you to explore our or write to us at connect@boldly.app.

Looking for more resources?

Navigating your mid career transition with confidence

What to expect in your first coaching session

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