Whose Role is it Anyway?

March 14, 2024

Posted by BOLDLY

The effectiveness of a coaching engagement hinges on more than just the interaction between coach and coachee. It requires a collaborative effort involving multiple key players, each with distinct roles and responsibilities that contribute to the overall success of the coaching process.

This document delves into the critical roles played by four essential stakeholders in a coaching engagement: the manager, the coach, the coachee, and the HR manager. By clearly delineating the responsibilities and expectations for each role, we aim to foster a harmonious and productive coaching environment. Understanding how these roles interact and complement each other is crucial for maximizing the benefits of coaching and ensuring that the investment in professional development yields tangible results for both the individual and the organization.

Read on to discover the specific contributions of each role, how they collaborate to support the coaching process, and best practices for ensuring a successful outcome. Whether you're a manager looking to support your team's growth, an HR professional facilitating coaching programs, or an individual embarking on a coaching journey, this guide will provide valuable insights into creating a robust framework for coaching success.

Colleagues sitting around a board room table having a discussion

Looking for more resources?

What is team coaching in the workplace?

When to coach, when to train

What is the main reason to coach employees?