Preparing to be a mentor

Preparing to be a Mentor

February 2, 2024

Posted by BOLDLY

  • Think about your personal journey, and be honest with yourself. What do you have to offer as a mentor? What are your strengths? What were the factors that helped you overcome weaknesses/difficulties?
  • Think about your own development needs to fulfil this role? Look through the above section on “Characteristics of a Great Mentor”, and think about how you can develop these characteristics? Eg. speak to individuals who had been mentors previously, or do some reading on how to develop the skill. 
  • Always remember to maintain a growth mindset - abilities can be developed if one puts the right amount of dedication and hard work to it. A growth mindset creates a love for learning and resilience, that is more likely to lead to success. 
  • Consider different perceptions, and practice looking at issues from different point of views. This would help you guide your mentees to do the same.  

Looking for more resources?

Mentoring programs for organisations

How does mentoring differ from coaching?