Coach Spotlight: Coach Manisha

September 22, 2023

Posted by BOLDLY

On this week's Coach Spotlight we feature Coach Manisha - ICF PCC qualified, NLP practitioner and EQ Assessor certified from India. Thank you for joining us Manisha! Let's begin:

1)    Where are you located and what is your favorite thing about home?

I live in India, Mumbai

My favorite thing about my home is the empty corner of my bedroom which gets the first rising sun rays piercing the trees around. I love spending my mornings there doing my meditation and pranayama, talking with my dog and the plants.


2)    What does a typical weekend look like for you?

Early mornings are spent in yoga, then reading some books with a cup of tea.

For 2 weekends -from 9.30 am onwards – I conduct training workshops for counselors who wish to enter the career counseling space. For some weekends these workshops happen in the evening from 4 pm to 8 pm-

If there is no workshop in the morning then I spend time with my daughter chatting, enjoying some cooking time, reading, and playing video games together. Some weekends we go out shopping. Evenings are mostly spent reading books or listening to music and playing games.


3)    What is your most prized possession?

My art- which of late I have not been able to pursue. But the paintings I have made, and I am very proud of.


4)    If you were, to sum up your coaching style in three words, what would they be?

Exploring, generating perspectives, and encouraging value creation


5)    What is your professional background and how did you transition into coaching?

MBA Finance and early years was a banker 1998-2000

Moved into training and teaching in 2000 as felt connected to human behavior and wanted to seek answers as to why people behave in a certain fashion

Learn tricks of training and teaching till 2009

2004 – 2009- teaching in management colleges (consumer behavior) and doing freelance training as always had the art of oration and voice command.

2009- joined a consulting firm and learned behavioral psychometric tools to coach people on behavioral development

2014- did my ICF ACC

2015 – Did my EQ fellow assessment from 6 seconds

Did full-time coaching and training posts that with corporate clients

I attended many workshops on honing my communication skills, oration skills, and voice modulation to connect better with my audience. Used to regularly do my personality psychometric assessment to develop desirable behaviors for the profession of coaching

2018 – left my consulting firm and operated independently into full-time coaching and training assignments

2020 joined an international coaching organization- bravely and was coaching full time

2023 completed my NLP, PCC (ICF) and Pursuing  marshal goldsmith coaching certification now

I am an avid reader and have been reading different genres of books to enhance my knowledge for my coaches and audiences.

My transition into coaching was an organic movement and was inspired by my quest to understand human behavior. My belief is that people don’t need help- but need support and can always be encouraged to create value for themselves. They do not have the required tools and techniques which we can support with.


6)    Which credentials do you hold, and why do you feel it is important for coaches to have accreditations?

I hold the following credentials:

- Behavioral Psychometric assessor- Psytech


- NLP practitioner

- EQ Assessor

- Pursuing marshal goldsmith

- Thomas profiling assessor

I think these accreditations help an individual grow their skills, and competencies and sharpen their styles of connecting with their audience in different ways.

It also supports building credibility with the clients that as a coach we do bring in a variety of tools, methodologies, skills, perspectives, etc…to support their development.


7)  What have been your biggest coaching success so far?

I supported one in moving from India to an abroad assignment, and a second client, a senior finance professional- I supported him build his intellectual confidence among his team members


8)    What is the most useful tool in your arsenal of coaching techniques?

Questioning- With logic and emotion, questions using format/data/opinion and value depending upon the flow of conversation. Supporting the client to think differently, do differently, feel differently, and support his or her own growth


9)    You have worked with some very well known clients, why do you feel they are more successful than companies who do not get coaching for their employees?

Coaching is a value-creation tool for self-development. Whether big or small, we all should attempt to get coached primarily to discover and unfold the unknown.

Companies and individuals who seek coaching are more self-aware of those drivers or sources of the choice of behaviors they demonstrate in front of others. Coaching is not a delicacy for top management professionals, instead, I think it should be served to all to support their Individual career developmental journey.


10) What advice would you give to an individual who is considering getting a coach?

Coaching is for all of us.

It will not give you solutions, instead, it helps you discover the unknown. It helps you think, feel and act differently. It makes you believe that what has got you here will not get you to your next desired goal- hence look within, accept, identify your challenges/blockers, measure the impact they are creating on you and then go to a coach to create a momentum of changes

Build a partnership journey with your coach and see the magic, feel the ripples it creates to take you ahead.

Thank you for joining us in this week's coach spotlight Minisha! To book a free 30-minute chemistry session with Coach Manisha, or to learn more about the services we offer at BOLDLY, visit or email

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