Team coaching facilitated by an experienced coach

What If I Win More Work?

February 13, 2024

Posted by BOLDLY

As a coach, when you're working with a client through the BOLDLY marketplace, you'll be in a perfect position to build rapport and a working relationship, not just with the coachee themselves, but with their boss, HR and the organisation more broadly. We encourage you to do this! The more you understand the system your coachee is operating in, and the stakeholders they're accountable to, the more value you can add to their coaching engagement. 


In some cases, this means you'll find more work! This might include:

  • An extension of time to your current coaching engagement;
  • An opportunity for assessment or stakeholder interviews;
  • Team or group coaching in the coachees sphere of work (so long as there's no conflict of interest with yoru current coaching engagement!);
  • Broader learning needs for the team or division; or perhaps
  • Parallel coaching engagements within the same organisation.

The chances of picking up additional work are high, and this is a win:win for you and for BOLDLY! When you hear about these leads, circle back to your Coach Business Partner at BOLDLY to discuss how they should be handled, case by case. We'll always work with you to ensure a professional approach to the account, and to collaborate to clinch the deal. If you're not the right coach for the follow-on opportunity, then we'll be able to introduce a peer. Beyond your legal agreement to circulate additional leads back via BOLDLY, we want to be the partner who works together with you, adding value to the client and a trusted working relationship for you. Reach out here if you're unsure:

Looking for more resources?

What is savouring and how is it used in coaching?

Coaching and goals