Dr. Laura McHale talks about Menopause and coaching

Menopause Insights

February 2, 2024

Posted by BOLDLY

Want to know more about the important themes for coaching female leaders experiencing menopause? BOLDLY hosted a great #InsightsSeries, led by Dr. Laura McHale on menopause and women's leadership. Here's some takeaways:

- GenX are now coming into menopause - they face unique social and economic circumstances
- Menopause is still a taboo topic - more work needs to be done to raise awareness in the workplace
- Several coaching methods are applicable to coaching female executives experiencing menopause, with particular research demonstrating positive results with CBT

Dr McHale has a wealth of knowledge on leadership development and has researched menopause and its implications for female leaders in particular. If you're a coach interested in joining another info session on this topic, or undertaking the comprehensive training held by Dr McHale for CD credits, please reach out! connect@boldly.app